
Nutter Puts the Smackdown on Finnegan’s Wake’s Balconies

You can keep Bodine Street, but the balconies are out of the question.
You can keep Bodine Street, but the balconies are out of the question.

Wielding his mighty veto power, Mayor Michael Nutter yesterday dealt Finnegan’s Wake, its owners and the City Council members who do the bar’s bidding supported its proposal to build 61-foot balconies on its Spring Garden Street side a downer. The veto puts the kibosh on the politically well-connected bar’s controversial expansion efforts. According to the Daily News Nutter wrote in a letter to City Council that he couldn’t get behind the plan, because it seeks to turn a “public-right-of-way to a primarily private use in the face of opposition of the community resident association that represents the neighborhood most affected by the proposal.” The veto does not change Finnegan’s plans to take over part of Bodine Street and transform it into an outdoor plaza with tables and chairs for the bar’s guests. [Daily News]

Earlier: Battle Over Bodine Street Spreads to Balconies On Spring Garden

Nutter Puts the Smackdown on Finnegan’s Wake’s Balconies