Mikey Likes It

Mr. Bauer Admits Ramen Shop Is Really Great

Ramen Shop's 18-person counter.
Ramen Shop’s 18-person counter. Photo: Lara Hoke/Grub Street

Michael Bauer finally got in to Ramen Shop in Oakland for his customary three visits, despite the crowds and eager fans who already have their names on the chalkboard at 5:15. He seems to love everything he tasted, including an appetizer of house-smoked sardines and pickled vegetables; and a “thick, velvety” tantanmen ramen. He adds, “On each of my three visits, the quality of the ramen continued to improve.” Unlike he did two weeks ago with that other no-reservations generation hotspot, Outerlands, he doesn’t ding them for the wait, and says that, despite the crowds, “service is surprisingly cheerful and helpful.” And the final verdict is a rave-worthy three stars. [Chron]

Mr. Bauer Admits Ramen Shop Is Really Great