TV Land

Yes, We Have No Bluth Bananas

Bluth's Banana Stand
Bluth’s Banana Stand Photo: @arresteddev/Twitter

Bluth’s Banana Stand, the famous money-laundering snack shed on Arrested Development, is being recreated in different locations across the world this month to promote the show’s new season on Netflix, including a run in Culver City today with free frozen, chocolate-covered bananas. Since the program’s original banana stand was located in Newport, its Orange County fan-base is naturally a little perturbed that they are being overlooked. Yes, there will be no Bluth’s Banana Stand in Newport. Unless…

One motivated Netflix viewer has dragged themselves off of the couch to start a petition asking “that the Banana Stand be brought back to the place where the family saga began, on the shores of Orange County!”

As of this writing, only 83 signatures are still needed to reach the goal, though that doesn’t ensure the promo will make a stop below the L.A. border this week. But maybe it won’t totally crush the hopeful, as even the petition’s author admits there are more pressing actions to take out there. “It sounds ridiculously silly,” KT writes, “and that’s the beauty of it.”

Netflix: Please Bring the Bluth Banana Stand to Newport Beach, California []

Yes, We Have No Bluth Bananas